
3 九月, 2006 at 10:07 下午 (所見所聞)

Wikihow 常有很好笑但其實頗有意思的作品:

Swearing can easily become a habit and is generally a bad habit. It is reinforced by the company we keep, the people we are trying to identify with (e.g. the “in-crowd"), parental examples and workplace behaviour. Parents must be extra careful to curb swearing tendencies as they are the first and principal cause of swearing children. If you don’t want people to get the wrong impression of you and you are tired of swearing instead of speaking clearly, then this is a short guide to helping you to think about why you swear and how you might be able to curb the habit.

How to Stop Swearing – WikiHow

ps. 本文標題依據迴響改了下,這倒不知是否符合了,但個人覺得很好笑 XD

4 則迴響

  1. nign said,

    翻成"如何戒掉罵髒話的習慣"或 “戒粗口的方法"似乎精準些…:)

    一點淺見 ^_^

  2. nign said,

    加註:因為在未明說的狀況下, “咒罵"的意思似乎跟"抱怨"比較相近…@@

  3. 趙 柏強 said,

    不淺不淺,很是有理。說實在這個字我沒把握能會意得很準,但我的觀感這篇文章的確比較偏向 “抱怨而來的髒話" 的。

    當然我讀錯的機率非常高 =.=

    或許你能幫我再看文章然後提出建議 🙂

  4. nign said,

    謝謝你不介意我亂入呢 ^_^;

    相當於有些人不管說什麼都要來個 “幹"或 “馬的" “你他馬的"來開頭結尾或修飾,

    例如, 突然收到意外的生日大禮, 粗口慣了的人很可能做出這樣的回應:
    “Oh fuck, that’s so nice, I love you guys! Oh fuck!"
    ”幹, 你們去哪裡弄來這個的啦(笑)幹, 你們對我真是太好了!"

    這樣子的 ^_^;;

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